Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Current mood: ninja
Category: Writing and Poetry

At times, I wounder who really hears you, who knows when they hear a cry for help and what do you do when you hear that cry? Do you just stand there and act like you don't hear that cry or do you answer to that cry showing compassion and sympathy? or do you just lend an ear and shoulder listening to what maybe a cry for help? Show intrest but don't get too close, show you want to help but don't give too much help to solve that persons problem, give answers and advice just to collect more information from that peron to turn around and use what was told to hurt them. When that person feels that they have come to closesure with feeling confindent in what was told to the listener they turn around and walk away only to hear what was told as soon as they turn the corner, now that leaves that person to cry for help again. The moral of what was just written is that we spend too much time hurting people who looks for us to help them, who reaches out for a hand just to borrow their ear for a few minutes, who feels the trust towards the person they think is listening to them at a time that is needed, who depends on comfort, compassion , realness and trust. I have been a victim and so have you. Recognize the fake but keep real to yourself and your feelings.

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