Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Single out
Current mood: calm
Category: Writing and Poetry

Many lyrics left to share in a world of pitty and ungreatfulness, many lyrics left to be shared in a world of love and peace, how is it that we mostly pay attention to the pitty and ungreatful the one that brings us to hatred and different evils of the mind ..Where is the control of peace and happiness that is great towards us ..we never mind that we put it to the side while the good stands on the side with tears and petrophide asking God: Why do we lie why do we die, it's so much going on you can't help but to cry. Why is that we need to prove to youin my eyes we need to prove to the man above that we believe and trust in him and his son Jesus Christ our Lord. We spend so much time trying to make others fear us when we need to fear him God. My judgement of the will never be, just be for me and don't judge me LYRICALLY LIFE IS TOOOOOO SHORT be GOOD

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